Adim with the shabby coat

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Adim with the shabby coat, initially known as Charming Sewer Dweller, is an NPC found in The Cistern at any time of day. Adim with the shabby coat will let you know more about fellow denizens of The Cistern.


After you've met Worm Lord Ah, you've met Worm Lord! Love that little scamp. Always digging in the dirt for his favourite treat. He may be dirty but he's got fur that's softer than Kasa silk. Give him a pet for me next time you see him.
After you've met Pale Hands You see Pale Hands? That's what we call them at least. I don't quite know what they are but I've never seen their face. Only those hands of theirs...They're harmless though, polite even. I've traded them for some worthwhile trinkets every now and then as well. They're the only person, if they indeed are a person, that I've seen who can delve the depths of the sewers...unbothered.
After you've met the Ambitious Scholar Ah, you've met the source of my recent headaches? That self-proclaimed scholar and his two muscles have been hacking away at the walls for days now. Not like he every thought to consult us locals before he began his work either. I would have been happy to give my advice if he had just asked nicely
After you've met the Aged Sewer-man I see you met old Ribbon Searcher. He was here before me and I've been here a while. Tragic story that one, I hear he lost his wedding ribbon on the eve of his proposal. Crawled down here into the sewers to find it but ended up losing himself instead. You see there is a madness these endless corridors. It's easy to succumb to the echoing of the water and the skittering in the shadows. Like that old queen from myth...Anyway, I've seen Pale Hands play with a ribbon from time to time, it might be Sewer Searcher's but I doubt he'd even recognize it after such a long time.