Ambitious Scholar

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Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

Ambitious Scholar is an NPC found in The Cistern at any time of day. Ambitious Scholar is hiring non-union workers to investigate a cave in The Cistern.


The Ambitious Scholar clearly has little respect for the methods of High Archaeologist Myrak and Historian Geva Kha, considering them to be elitist and suggesting in turn that given the high office both of these scholars hold, that the Ambitious Scholar desires and envies their position. Their excavation is based upon believing the tomb is of Halzhaan origin, but the item you uncover suggests that the tomb may in fact date from much earlier.

If you approach them a second time with another Torn piece of an ancient cloak in your inventory, they react differently, while also confirming that they prefer to go forward with their own assumptions about the tomb, rather than considering the evidence that you have found.

Once you complete the Crafting the Talzyre quest, the lore on the Talzyre reveals that Queen Leathides of the Third Age gave it to her son, Prince Semmethep. Geva Kha offers more information about what has happened to the Talzyre: it was given to Issa Halzhaan and they believe Ilmana Halzhaan might have been buried with it. Despite the Ambitious Scholar's dislike of Geva Kha, ironically Kha's theory supports their thesis.


  • Ambitious Scholar
  • Two non-interactible labourers



Ambitious Scholar Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to Ambitious Scholar Bah, this is what I get for hiring outside the Unions...You there! I've heard some of you Khelim are quite strong...Perhaps you could assist me with furthering the historical cause? If my suspicions are correct there may be something fantastic on the other side of this cave-in. But my hirelings are about as useful as toothless combs! Please won't you assist them? There is a reward in it for you if you uncover anything.
If you give the Ambitious Scholar the Torn piece of an ancient cloak Haha! You found something! Wait until those elitist lunkheads Myrak and Geva hear about this! Wait, but this doesn't make sense...This cape shows all the signs of being mid-Third age in origin. Just look at the stitching. The stitching! But my research showed that this was supposed to be a Halzhaan tomb! It collapsed into the sewers many cycles ago...Or perhaps I was mistaken...In any case, its a valuable find. Good work Khelim!
If you speak to the Ambitious Scholar with another Torn piece of an ancient cloak after you have already given them one You found another piece of the cape? Well my current thesis has little use for it. Keep it, toss it, wipe your bum with it. I care not.

Ambitious Scholar Walk By Dialogue

Stop crouching you lazy gnats! Lift with your backs!

Labourer Walk By Dialogue


Let's finish this quickly! Don't want the sewer queen catching us....