Masterless Key Collector

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Masterless Key Collector.png

The Masterless Key Collector wanders in search of a mysterious object accompanied by a mysterious Cat.



The Masterless Key Collector is one possible resolution to the quest of the Locked captain's case Quest.


If you speak to the Masterless Key Collector the first time Sefra's blessings, Sehm. If I can open a locked container for you, my price will be the container itself... It's contents, whatever they may be, will be all yours. They are of no interest to me.
If you speak to them a second time I am the collector of lockless keys. If you find a locked container on your journey, bring it to me... There might be a chance one of my keys fitting the lock. If I can open a locked container for you, my price will be the container itself... It's contents, whatever they may be, will be all yours. They are of no interest to me.

If you have the Locked captain's case in your inventory I see you have an item with a keyless lock, Wanderer. Shall we see if any of my keys fit?
If you give them the Locked captain's case I will keep the container as payment for my service, this lock and key should be allowed to stay together from now on...

Walk By Dialogue

Any masterless keys?
Lockless keys?
Old keys..? Found keys..?
Ownerless Keys?
Unrecognized keys?
Any boxes need unlocking?


Despite asking for keys or unopened boxes, the Masterless Key Collector does not react to a number of objects that meet these criteria: