Tobacco Connoisseur

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I believe YOU could play a vital role in my Endeavours!

The Tobacco Connoisseur is currently in the process of setting up their shop in Crossings. They want to sell unique tobacco blends and are experimenting with different types of herbs. They ask travellers to bring them any herbs they discover.


They can be found sitting to the left of "Crossroad's Fabrics" in Crossings



Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak to them the first time Salutations, Traveller! Did you know that soon there will be a tobacconist opening their doors here in Crossings? It is true and you are looking at it! Agreed… It does not look like much at the moment… When my assistants here have finished their work, my shop will stand ready in all its colourful glory. But… unfortunately, a tobacconist without tobaccos is but an over-decorated outhouse without a bucket. Try as I might, I have not been able to create enough unique and desirable tobacco blends to confidently go into business. I need inspiration and new sources of scents and flavours! I need uniqueness! I need to awaken old genius! As I hear myself talking, I believe YOU could play a vital role in my Endeavours! Bring to me any herbs you find on your journeys. No matter how exotic or mundane. I must ramp up my experiments! That's it! The more herbs to explore and produce, the more unique my tobacco blends I get, the sooner I will be able to prepare my stocks and the sooner I'll be able to open my shop! I'm on a lookout for interesting herbs to fortify and flavour my special blends with. If you bring me herbs that I find suitable, you'll be helping me towards opening my shop sooner rather than later. I will compensate you accordingly for your trouble.
If you speak to them again Not quite yet, Traveller… Not quite yet. You could help speed things up by bringing me herbs to help prepare a good stock of tobacco blends. I'm on a lookout for interesting herbs to fortify and flavour my special blends with. If you bring me herbs that I find suitable, you'll be helping me towards opening my shop sooner rather than later. I will compensate you accordingly for your trouble.