Package of Hatma grass

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On my latest expedition into The Deeplands I managed to gleam another insight from the swamp dwellers. When we walked through the wet marshlands I was continuously assaulted by all manner of bugs, leeches and other parasites that were after my blood. But when I turned around to my two Deepland companions I was baffled by how the blood sucking critters completely avoided them like a someone from the Subo family avoids social interaction.

I asked them how they were so untouched and they gave me a few strands of some kind of zig zag grass. The grass tasted like bark but I managed to keep it down and as if The Winds themselves had blessed the air around me, the insects now retreated at my mere sight!
After further research I theorize that when the Hatma grass (which I named after one of my guides) gets into the consumers sweat glands, the bug repellant toxin in the grass starts being expelled along with the consumers sweat.

I must make a note to stock up on more of this herb before my next expedition.

Firo Leng Professor of Herbalism and Natural Medicine at the Rivenleaf Academy



Package of Hatma grass can be given to Tobacco Connoisseur in exchange for a Tobacconist's credit knot
