Sturdy marble handstaff

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ItemIcon EquipmentOffhandCane Good 01 Medium.png

At the end of the Fourth Age, when the unions rose up against the Boat King, anger and pain burned like a wildfire in the hearts of the people. There were those who wished to tear down the Halzhaan family tomb for good, destroying any remnant of the Boat King's ancestors.
With hammer and fire they approached the final resting place of Issa, Ilmana, and Sylla but were stopped by five elders guarding the tombs. The elders were unarmed apart from marble canes which they used to hold themselves up. Unwilling to hurt the elders, the mob relented and the tomb still stands to this day.
Without those brave elders, we would have lost much of the knowledge of those rulers which we know at the present.

Geva Kha, historian
