Secretive Mystic

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Found in the middle top house in Bat Saha at Saha Rise.



They do not prompt or initiate the quest/ dialogue due to certain events that disrupts their usual speech. These events are the Campaigning Mystic, Apprentice mystic and the House Pelgen Inventor


Spoiler Alert

Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you are not yet Level 10
If you are Level 10 I an tell by the way you carry yourself, Wanderer... You have grown with your experiences... I feel I can trust you with a unique piece of knowledge... Something that I reserve for those I believe could benefit most from it... However, your beginner's struggle and your achievements have filled me with nostalgia for my time as an apprentice. Take this cup to Myrt, and ask my teacher to fill it for me. When you return I will part with my secret. And be careful with that cup, Wanderer... I made it myself when my world was as young as yours are now... Fare well...

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you have the Full Myrian clay teacup in your inventory Ah, my cup! Hand it to me and you shall have my secret in trade.
If you give her the Full Myrian clay teacup Ahh...*Sniff* This is indeed my master's unmistakable 'sapling brew'. You have my thanks, Khelim. And my secret...If you have a map, mark and note it down, for I will whisper it but once...I don't want to risk some halfWind to steal such a precious thing away from me. There is an island, wreathed in mists that is the home of the Mystic Weaver. No boater will take you out on those waters...For rumour has painted cruel sea beasts among in its misty veils...The weaver travels there by mystic means, but there is another way, known only to a few... Travel to the shores of Alken Rock, on the Southwest coast, and wade into the water...When the tide allows, a sandbank will allow you passage South to the weaver's island...She is a Traveller of worlds, but there you will find her Braided Shore home. I have only met her during twilight, and though we've never spoken...Well...Let us see what gifts she may bestow upon you, should you dare a visit...