Mystic's Secret

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Spoiler Alert

Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

NPCs Involved

  1. Secretive Mystic
  2. Tea Master

The Quest

1) Starting the quest.

You need to be Level 10.

2) Eye for the experienced

In Bat Saha, talk to the Secretive Mystic, who will spill a secret if you can help her with filling the cup with tea from their master, Tea Master. You will be able to exchange with her to get the Traditional Myr clay teacup.

I an tell by the way you carry yourself, Wanderer... You have grown with your experiences... I feel I can trust you with a unique piece of knowledge... Something that I reserve for those I believe could benefit most from it... However, your beginner's struggle and your achievements have filled me with nostalgia for my time as an apprentice. Take this cup to Myrt, and ask my teacher to fill it for me. When you return I will part with my secret. And be careful with that cup, Wanderer... I made it myself when my world was as young as yours are now... Fare well...

3) Filling the cup

Exchange the cup to Tea Master in Myrt. The cup will then be renamed as the Full Myrian clay teacup. Bring this back to the Secretive Mystic

3) Knowing the secret

Returning the cup will have the mystic let you in on the secret she knows

Know the whereabouts of the Wandering Weaver