Retired Adventurer

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The Retired Adventurer appears on Fridays and Saturdays during the day at Crossings' Market.



Using Hagglers Wit

This merchant has great interest in Minerals.

For Sale

The Retired Adventurer stocks 16 items at a time. They sell Eastern Wind skills, assorted equipment, and largely wooden trade goods.

Not all of these items appear at once and goes through a rotation.

*Bear trainer's leather armour

*Bear cap

  • Broad sun guard
  • Braided leaf cap
  • Char leather hard hat
  • Cinnabar chinband
  • Classic Billows hat
  • Common leather headgear
  • Common leather hood
  • Dense bow headband
  • Dense leather veil
  • Driftwood mask
  • Ear-covering fur hat
  • Factory-made headgear
  • Goat leather chinband
  • Hat of the Deeplands
  • Hood of the North
  • Leather headpiece
  • Leather sleeping headband
  • Light traveller's guard
  • Ornate head box
  • Oversized fur hat
  • Pale chin band
  • Sailor's wind guard
  • Slim leather cap
  • Standard headpiece
  • Standard Malku head armour
  • Theater mask
  • Traditional Selka face mask
  • Waterproof umber hood

  • *Apple branch

  • Balanced walking stick
  • Branch of oak
  • Bright oak cane
  • Bug catcher's net
  • Bundle of kindling
  • Bundle of rosy twigs
  • Cane of the Ba Tel Rower
  • Cane shaped branch
  • Carved stick
  • Common thorn branch
  • Dockworker's club
  • Driftwood decorated with a knot
  • Factory-sawed walking stick
  • Kasan resting cane
  • Long rod with knots
  • Old rod heirloom ward knot
  • Rail inspector's cane
  • Road inspector's cane
  • Rod with simple knot
  • Rod with ward knot
  • Scholar's pointing stick
  • Short rod with ward knots
  • Stick of Charwood
  • Woots-tipped handstaff

  • *Almond-tree spoon

  • Applewood sample
  • Aromatic cedarwood fragment
  • Balanced jade handle
  • Block of fragrant cedarwood
  • Block of rosewood
  • Carved pear tree disk
  • Cedar peg for lutes
  • Cheap disk
  • Child's soft comb
  • Cinnabar walnut handle
  • Cracked oak drop
  • Cypress branch
  • Cypress disk
  • Delicate jade comb
  • Disk of cedar tree
  • Disk of flowering ash
  • Disk of foreign wood
  • Disk of the Deeplands
  • Ficus tree box
  • Fig tree disk
  • Fine cedar comb
  • Flowering ash peg for lutes
  • Gilded walnut disk
  • Laurel tree disk
  • Oiled oak tree disk
  • Ornate cypress disk
  • Ornated umber hilt
  • Plain disk of sulphur wood
  • Polished driftwood shard
  • Polished light-cinnabar silktree shards
  • Rare silktree disk
  • Rosewood cup
  • Roughly cut disk
  • Sanded oak shard
  • Scholar's supply box
  • Shard of rosewood
  • Shiv handles
  • Simple wooden crate
  • Simple wooden handle
  • Small wooden cog
  • Smooth gourd container
  • Solid bright oak lath
  • Solid cedar lute tailpiece
  • Sturdy freight box
  • Sulphur-tinted frame
  • Walnut tree disk
  • Wind-shaped disk