Hide in Water

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Skill E Hide in Water Medium.png

You must be standing in water to use the Hide in Water ability. When you are standing in water, Hide in Water will become available to use. Your character will slowly sink down into the water and will not be visible to others.

Hide in Water will last as long as you wish to remain hidden. You must cancel it either by moving out of the water or clicking on the status card to remove the effect.

Item Description

Learning from these teachings will enable the student to hide under the surface of water using a reed straw to breathe.

Learned Description

You have the uncanny ability to hide under water for a long time, using only a straw to draw breath.

Status Effect Description

A mystic veil conceals you.


Similar Skills

Affinity for Water is a similar skill that allows the player to gain Energy from water rather than concealing yourself in it.