Call Spring Water

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Skill E Call Spring Water Medium.png

Activating this knot and selecting a valid point on the ground within range will temporarily create a pile a stones with a stream of water running from it.

The player and other players can drink from this water by approaching the spring and clicking the icon above it.

Drinking this water will not restore Energy or Stamina, nor remove the Hungry effect.

Item Description

Unbinding this knot will bring forth a spring from the ground, with fresh water for you and everyone present to enjoy.

Learned Description

This spell brings forth a spring of fresh water to drink from.


A spell that creates new growth or helps plants grow. It can be used by Travellers to help revitalize land that’s been ravaged by fire damage or left to decay, and will help buds to flower and plants to bear fruit. Travellers may use it to grow a tree or plant to commemorate a journey together.

Similar Skills

  • Blossom causes flowers to sprout from the ground, but unlike Call Spring Water, the flowers cannot be foraged.
  • Sprout Fruit Tree causes a fruit tree to grow up out of the ground. Like Call Spring Water, the player can eat one fruit from the tree.