Occupied Person

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Occupied Person.png

The Occupied Person is an NPC who has an Endeavour that you can complete.




The Occupied Person will ask you to open 'A rusted-shut lock box' (which looks like, but shouldn't be confused with a Locked strongbox that have randomized loot). They offer to let you keep the contents except for the Ivory key.

To open the box, you have to pass a +3 Endeavour Symbol Physical.png endeavour.


"Thank you, Wanderer. Don't trade your spoils all at the same place now, hehe!"


The Occupied Person speaks in an unusual kind of dialect.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to them the first time Hey, Wand'rer...I've got this box...It's come stuck here...If you can get it open, I'll let you have what's inside.'Cept for the Ivory Key. That belongs to me! What say you?
When you speak to them the second time. My box...Will you try to open it or what?


If you have a previous Ivory Key that you did not return to the Occupied Person you can return it to them at this time.