Increasing Speed

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There are many types of equipment that increase a player's speed that are too numerous to list here.

  1. Blend of Fervour is a Tea that gives the player a base +3 ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png, +1.025 Walk Speed, +1.05 Run Speed for 1800 sec.
  2. Vial of Viper's Lash is a Vial that gives the player +3 ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png +1.05 Walk Speed for 420 sec. when consumed.
  3. Vial of spiked Viper's Lash is a Vial that gives the player +6 ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png, +1.075 Walk Speed, +1.2 Run Speed for 420 sec. when consumed.
  4. Furikum seeds are a Consumable that gives the player +4 ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png while giving the player -2 ItemSymbol Ward.png, +1.4 Walk Speed and +1.4 Run Speed.
  5. Port of the Deer gives the player +300 Max Stamina, +2.5 Walk Speed and +1.25 Run Speed, but only while in Deer form meaning the player has certain limitation on their actions.
  6. Port of the Dog gives the player +230 Max Stamina, +0.9 Walk Speed Mod, +1.05 Run Speed Mod, but only while in Dog form.
  7. Port of the Goat gives the player +500 Max Stamina, +2 Walk Speed Mod, +1.05 Run Speed Mod, but only while in Goat form.
  8. Tricks of the Messenger gives the player a Level 1 +1.35 Walk Speed Mod when walking on roads.
  9. An Unlabeled Vial gives the player +8 ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png but -4 ItemSymbol Ward.png when consumed.
  10. Dormant Altars, Sefra Shrines, and Haunted headstones can give you a Speed Blessing which gives the player additional Speed. Unlike Brewing a Tea yourself, the player cannot cancel a Blessing before it runs out.