Tricks of the Messenger

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Tricks of the Messenger is a passive skill. Once the skill is memorized, it takes effect automatically until the skill is unmemorized. The skill will also automatically level as you continue to play the game. When it takes effect, you will often see a sentence "You feel the effect of Tricks of the Messenger appear at the bottom of the screen and when you unmemorize the skill, you will see the sentence "The effect of Tricks of the Messenger fades." Or you will see a status effect appear in the upper lefthand corner of your screen.

Tricks of the Messenger will activate automatically to speed up your character when travelling on roads and sometimes other paved surfaces.

Item Description

This is a compilation of 'tricks-of-the-trade' from Braided Shore errand runners and messengers. Once studied, you will be able to walk slightly faster when travelling on roads.

Learnt Skill Description

Your feet are adept at avoiding pits and bumps. You walk slightly faster when travelling on roads.

Status Effect Description

You walk faster on roads


Tricks of the Messenger is among the possible starter skills that may be generated during Character Creation for Southern Wind forms.

Similar Skills

See Increasing Speed