Wind Voice

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Wind Voice.png

There are two NPCs named Wind Voice. They will be distinguished here as

1) Hichem

2)Wind voice


Hichem, the Wind Voice student wanders the Western Harvest Route.

Hichem Locations

Hichem Inventory

Hichem Dialogue

When you speak to the Wind Voice the first time. Winds' favour, Khelim. I am Hichem, wind voice student of Rivenleaf University. It have come to my attention that the major roads do in some way, however small affect the Winds themselves..Mostly this is noticeable in the thick forests of the Deeplands, but also here to a lesser degree it does carry an impact. I can share my learnings if you offer me something suitable in return?
When you speak to the Wind Voice the second time. Winds' blessings, Khelim! Did I offer you to trade for the skill I can teach? If you do not require it for yourself, it would make a great gift for, say, another Khelim...

Hichem Walk By Dialogue

...I feel it much less now...
It follows the road!

Wind voice

Wind voice is an uncommon NPC who appears in the town square of Crossings during the day or night.

Wind voice Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to Wind voice the first time Mmmm..? I am a Voice by vocation and a Naturalist by heart...This very unique tree is my current subject for study...Come harvest time, the oak nuts will hold an amazing variety of mystic wind properties...I must be ready to collect and classify them when the time comes...Gemidas, the local Knot binder is kind enough to house me when I'm in Crossings...Have you an interest in magic Knots and such, visit her store and workshop by the old well.
When you speak to Wind voice the second time What now..? I'm cataloguing the immature nuts from this, the mighty Four Winds oak...Come harvest time, the oak nuts will hold an amazing variety of mystic wind properties...I must be ready to collect and classify them when the time comes...Gemidas, the local Knot binder is kind enough to house me when I'm in Crossings...Have you an interest in magic Knots and such, visit her store and workshop by the old well.

General Wind Voice Lore

Wind Voices study at Rivenleaf University. There is some indication that becoming a wind voice requires some spiritual ability and possible possession in which the winds speak through you. More accounts from generic Wind Voice or Voice NPCs can be found in Wind Voice Rumors.
