Food Merchant Hamsi

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Food Merchant Hamsi.png

Are you here to trade or to listen to me talk about my favourite subject? ... Then let me tell you again how proud I am of belonging to the Merchant's Union...

Food Merchant Hamsi


Food Merchant Hamsi sits in the Crossings town square.



Using Hagglers Wit

This merchant has great interest in fish and beverages.

For Sale

They sell 16 at a time.


Hey, Wanderer, you must be of the Free Union, am I right? Did you know I used to be a Merchant's Union official? I went back to trading though...Folks get paid in goods for their daily labour, consuming what they need...The rest they save for future or trade for other goods or services they require. The Merchant's Union helps the council regulate the relative trade values of wares and services...Making sure that goods and services are balanced correctly according to supply and demand...No other union affects folks' every day life as much as we do. That is why I'm so proud to be part of it...That's why I prefer to work practically with trade, and the evaluation of wares rather than in administration...Or, Sefra help me, dabble in council politics!