Bundle of fig roots

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There once was a bitter hunter who had not caught any game for a week. The beasts of the forests always seemed to see him first and would trot away before he could ready his bow. The man cursed the Sefra who he thought were warning the animals of his approach.

As he spoke his words of anger, a one-eyed man came wandering through the woods, a heavy bag upon his back and a wicked smile upon his lips. He told the man that he had a way for him to catch all the game he could ever want without ever pulling his bowstring. The wandering trader gave the man a vial of poison which he told to pour over some fig roots in the middle of a glade, for the deer that wandered the forest could not resist the smell of fig. The hunter did as the man asked and it did not take long before a wary doe smelled the roots and approached the poisoned meal. After just one bite the doe fell to the ground and the hunter celebrated, taunting the Sefra of the forest. He butchered the creature and did not even bother with cooking it before he bit down into its flesh. It took but a moment before the man had fallen, afflicted by the poison which was still in the doe's blood.

The Sefra of the forest laughed at the bitter hunter's fate and brought him back to life in the body of a fig-coloured immortal doe, forever to flee from hunters like himself.


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