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Diama runs the mill and is married to Miller Yeget. They appear during the day in the Kuro Mill.



  • Kuro Orchard, in the day Diama stands in the building with the water wheel. At night, she moves to the building where the oxen is kept.


You can buy a Bag of wheat flour to give to the Assistant Shop Keep in Crossings.


Using Hagglers Wit

This merchant is interested in Sweets.

For Sale

Despite what they say, Diama will not value grain very highly, usually giving -50% trade value for Wheat seeds or Chia seeds.

Diama stocks 9 of the items below. They always carry Bag of wheat flour and Assemble Fireplace but the other goods vary.


Dialogue condition Dialogue
When you first speak to Diama Hello there! Welcome to our mill! ... The Orchard mill has been in my family for generations... We mill the Farmer's grain for a small fee, but we also bake our own bread... If you come by any gran I'll give you a good trade for it.
When you speak to Diama a second time Good to see you again... As long as our wheel keeps turning, we turn grain into fine flour... We mill the Farmer's grain for a small fee, but we also bake our own bread... If you come by any grain, I'll give you a good trade for it.


In their dialogue, Diama calls their mill Orchard Mill, although the Assistant Shop Keep in Crossings and the sign refer to the mill as Kuro Mill. The Mill is located in the Kuro Orchard - It is therefore referred to as Kuro Mill, Orchard Mill and Kuro Orchard Mill on different occasions.