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In the cemetery you can usually meet ghosts or Haunted headstone.

Alken Rock Coast

Location - Skirr Islet, west of the map.

Bat Saha

Location - road near Moon Watcher Peak, north of map.

Charwood Forest

Location - Bed of the Fourth Traveller, north-west of the map.


Location - Parallel Pass, south of the map.

Harrow Ledge

Location - Resting Soak and Selme, west of the map.

Kuro Orchard

Location - Kuro Wildwood, north of the map.


Location - The Cemetery, north-east of the map.

Siram Fields

Location - road near Thicket of Wind, north-west of the map.

The Burnings

Location - Lokid Gravekulls, north of the map.

Western Harvest Route

Location - Tea Drinkers' Thicket, south-west of the map.


"Noet Dir"

Location - Old Kasa Graveyard , east of the map.