Test Faction Example

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Here's a fake quote about the Selka, because I couldn't find a relevant one in my screenshots folder


The Selka can be identified by their short stature, large white dresses, and tendency to hang out in groups.

Known Members



  • Selkan Glass Thing
  • Selkan Robe


The most notable achievements of the Selka include their adept glass-making abilities, and ability to summon the Living Door. It's not currently known how long the Selka have been around, but judging by their behavior and reputation, it's very possible they go back as far as the Elden Period. One representative notes that it's exceedingly uncommon for any of them to be spotted alone.


  • The Selka were originally going to be a player selectable origin (source), just kidding I made this up for the example
  • Their design and habits closely resemble Scandinavian Gnome mythology
