Selka Glass Vendor

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
Selka Glass Vendor visiting Myr.png

Glassware! You won't believe your eyes!

The Selka Glass Vendor is a sought after merchant for their rare glass wares not found anywhere else in Braided Shore, which always has high values for those for the Asken folk. The Selka Glass Vendor will appear in the cities and towns of the Braided Shore, typically but not always accompanied by two Selka Representatives.



The Selka Glass Vendor sells their stock at trade value, but buy most things with a 10% markdown.


Using Hagglers Wit

Selka Glass Vendor theoretically has a huge interest in Singer rosary, but as of August 2023, the exchange has been bugged to 1 Trade Value since at least June 2023

For Sale

The Selka Glass Vendor does not stock all of these items at once but typically has 4-7 of the items below in their inventory at one time.


When you speak with the Selka Glass Vendor the first time. Welcome dear customer! I have here a rare selection of wondrous, translucent items...They come all the way from the industrious and seclusive enclave of the Selka people. Once my glasswares are gone, they are gone for good!
When you speak with the Selka Glass Vendor the second time A word of caution, dear customer. Handle your new luxury goods with kid gloves. But should you drop it, still you will have a thousand glittering shards of glass. Who knows what fetching jewellery or decorations you could fashion from such a prodigious amount of gems!