Strohm the Cartographer

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Strohm the cartographer and his silent assistant are from the Braided Shore Cartographer Institute.



Usually travels along the road, have been seen at:


Yes, you are speaking to Strohm of Braided Shore Cartography Institute. I wonder if I can be of any assistance to you, Wanderer. I'm afraid due to the current Kasa blockade I've been forced work without access to our making workshop. This means that I have little new map information or updated maps to offer our subscribers. I will however still trade in any maps or geographical documentation you might have. By doing so you will benefit all Travellers in Braided Shore subscribing to using our superior maps.

What is it this time? As the Kasa blockade is still in effect I am travelling the areas that remain open... Collecting new map data by observation and questioning of locals and Travellers. I prefer continuing doing that rather than chit-chat. Goodbye!