Station Master

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There are two NPCs named Station Master. They will be referred to as Char Cape Passage Station Master and Western Verve Station Master.


  • The Char Cape Passage Station Master gardens near the Char Cape Passage Station.
  • The Western Verve Station Master appears around the Train Depot of the Western Region in Western Verve.




Western Verve Station Master Dialogue

The Station Master gives you valuable information about the state of the various railroad stations in the area. Clearly the rail workers comply with the Coroners' requests, but do so reluctantly.

This platform for trains to Crossings, Char Passage and Sivan Fields!

Take note, due to Kasa being closed for Travellers, the only station-stop at this time is at Crossings station. Passengers travelling with luggage or cargo will be asked to alight and unload their baggage at Crossings.

On behalf of the entire rail worker's association, we apologize for the deplorable state of the current service.

Char Cape Passage Station Master Dialogue

Speaking to the Station Master the first time I regret to inform you, the train service from this station has been terminated until further notice. The order has come from the coroners investigating the Kasa incident. Acting with full authority from the Acting Arch Council in New Foundry...There is nothing we rail workers can do but obey...May I suggest you travel Westwards on foot to Crossings, perhaps you can catch a train to your destination there. Safe onward journey, Traveller.
Speaking to the Station Master the second time With the station closed, I have had time to pick up a new hobby. Just look how my blossoms shoot up to the sky! The earth here must be just right for flowers!
