Rivenleaf Investigator

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The Rivenleaf Researcher can be found in a number of places, investigating the disappearance of Kettems and Maisu. Despite appearing in different places, their dialogue is identical.



Speaking to Rivenleaf Researcher for the first time Ah, Khelim, it's good to see you. I've travelled all the way from Rivenleaf University in search of answers regarding the disappearance of the kettems and maisu. Have you noticed? It's as if they vanished overnight. I've scoured their usual haunts, spoken with folks in every major settlement, but I'm hitting dead ends at every turn. *Sigh* I hate to admit it, but it's frustrating beyond words. Here I am, supposedly one of the leading scholars in my field, yet when my superiors inquire about the whereabouts of these creatures, all I can muster is "I don't know". If you stumble upon anything, please do let me know. At this point, I'm grasping at any straws I can find.
Speaking to Rivenleaf Researcher for a second time Hello again, Khelim. Let me know if you find any evidence of why the kettems and maisu have disappeared.
Speaking to Rivenleaf Researcher with Kettem Remains in your inventory Hello again, Khelim. Any news? What's this? You've stumbled upon some kettem remains washed up on the shore? How fascinating! Let me take a closer look. The scholar carefully inspects the remains in silence for several minutes. Hm, unmistakably kettem remains, yet no clue as to what led to their disappearence... I guess I was being overly optimistic. Still, I appreciate your assitance, Khelim. Maybe one day we'll uncover the truth behind this enigma.
Speaking to Rivenleaf Researcher again Ah, Khelim, always a pleasure to see you. Unfortunately I'm still no closer to unravelling the mystery of the missing maisu and kettems. Your concern means a lot, though. Let's remain hopeful that we'll crack this puzzle soon. My superiors are on the fence about these disappearances, are they a positive development, or a harbinger of something darker? Creatures vanishing from the world could be seen as a positive shift, unless it's paving the way for something even more sinister...


Rivenleaf Investigator's appearance is not fixed, and they can be found wearing different coloured clothing.