Retired Bandit

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The Retired Bandit can be found by the bridge by the Tea Drinker's Grove in the Western Harvest Route during the day.



Speaking to Retired Bandit for the first time Hold up a minute, friend. Don’t be alarmed, this ain’t a holdup. I may look like a bandit, and that’s because I used to be one. But not any more, you hear? I’ve left that life behind, and I’m trying to make up for all the bad things I’ve done. The road is dangerous out there, full of ruffians like myself. If you have the time, I can show you some tricks on how to deal with someone trying to gut you for your valuables. Let’s do a quick duel, hm? I’ll show you some moves and you can show me if you’ve got what it takes to survive out there. If you're feeling squeamish I can give you some pointers before we draw blades.
If you won duel Woah, I yield! Nice fighting there, friend. You just might hold your own in a real fight.
If you lost duel On your feet and dust yourself off, friend.
Speaking to Retired Bandit after duel Back for another round? Alright, remember to keep your feet steady, and keep your eyes on my whole body, and not just my weapon. You’ll be able to see where my attack is coming from long before I even raise my arm. Get ready, and let’s fight!