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Skill E Pyre Medium.png

When unbinding Pyre, you must select a point within a small radius. A jagged golden ray of light moves from you to that point and creates a translucent magenta Fireplace.

Being near this fire will remove the Wet status effect and will grant the Very Comfortable status effect.

Item Description

Unbinding this knot will conjure a magical pure, a fireplace for you and everyone present to enjoy.

Learned Skill Description

This spell lights a magical pyre that can be used just like any ordinary fireplace. The wonder of this mystical fire is that It can be lit anywhere and in any weather.



  • Water cannot be targeted, and Pyres cannot be created on water.


  • When you use Brew of Hidden Cries, the fire has a crackling sound.
  • Unlike the Assemble Fireplace skill, Pyre can be used in the rain without the use of Create Wind Shelter.
  • The Guiding Spark: Fireplace skill will not guide players to fireplaces created by Pyre.
  • This knot can be unbound multiple times, and more than one pyre can exist at the same time.
  • This skill can be used to target a boat. The fireplace will not travel with the boat.

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