Guiding Spark: Fireplace

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Skill E Guiding Spark Shelter Medium.png

When unbinding this knot, long gold and magenta sparks radiate from your person. A small golden icon of a fireplace rises up above you and slowly floats to rest on the nearest fireplace. The player can follow this icon while it is moving. Once it has arrived, the icon vanishes and a small crown of light will appear beginning from left to right and vanish.

Item Description

When this Knot is loosened the knot-binder summons a sparkling guide that helps them find fireplaces in the vicinity.

Learned Skill Description

This spell conjures up a sparkling guide that helps you find fireplaces in the vicinity.



  • This knot can be unbound in areas which do not contain a fireplace, including outmarks. If unbound in an area which does not have a fireplace, the icon will hover above the player's head before disappearing.
  • Despite the skill description, Guiding Spark: Fireplace will not guide to player to fireplaces created through use of the Assemble Fireplace or Pyre skills, even if these are closer to the player than other fixed fireplaces.

Similar Skills

Guided Spark: Stranger and Guiding Spark: Shelter are both very similar skills that target the nearest NPC and Shelter respectively.


  • It is possible to unbind Guiding Spark: Fireplace multiple times, and have more than one floating icon active at the same time.
