Mystic Lord

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If the player passes a +4 Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png endeavour, the player learns

It does not take much to determine that the so-called Mystic Lord is nothing more than an old man in a silly hat.


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with the Mystic Lord the first time Ho there, wanderer, stay thy course a moment and indulge an old man. I may look as common or plain as any other Traveller walking these lands, but I shall let you in on a secret. I am, in fact, a Mystic Lord!
What is a Mystic Lord, you may ask? Well, it is a mystic with such immense power that they could incinerate any troublesome fool that dares doubt them!
I see by your expression that you are one of those doubting fools, wanderer.
Why, I could smite you off the face of this land with a flick of my wrist should I wish to!
I just do not wish to, at the moment.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with the Mystic Lord after successfully completing his endeavour You dare claim that I, the great Mystic Lord, am NOT a Mystic Lord?! And you go on to claim that Mystic Lords are not even a thing? Why, the cheek of you, young man! Were I not conserving my powers for a real threat I would encase your feet with magical ice and leave you here for the wolves! A Mystic Lord can only cast a certain number of spells per day. If I cast too many, I must take a long rest before I can cast them again. That is why I have not blasted your sorry hide all the way into the sea with a magical lightning bolt.