Malku Su Warden

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Hey, you there!

The Malku Su Warden is a Duelist and you will not lose a Life Petal if they win the duel. You can also trade some items with them.


On the outskirts of Bat Saha at any time of day.


For Sale


When you speak to the Malku Su Warden the first time. Come back when you are overburdened with riches, Khelim!...And I will offer you skills that will prove priceless to a warrior! I hereby invite you however, to teach you for free, a lesson of defeat. Simply draw your sword and let my instruction begin!
When you speak to the Malku Su Warden the second time. Draw your sword and let me teach you a lesson of defeat, Wanderer.
When you speak to the Malku Su Warden either with Birth Wounds or at Level 1 Greetings Khelim, are you in need of a lesson in duelling? All duels start with the drawing of a blade, getting into a battle stance signals to your opponent that you wish to give them a good thrashing. Be advised not to attempt to battle without a weapon, such foolishness is best left alone lest you end up drifting on the Winds! See with your lifewind, the cinnabar outline that appears around a threatened enemy. We call that a challenge circle. Remain inside their challenge circle until your tension meter is full should you wish to proceed with the battle. Holster your weapon should you regret your bold challenge and any well-mannered duellist should back off. Be aware however, as some scoundrels or creatures may decide to activate their challenge circle all on their own. Should you then wish to avoid combat you would need to escape the challenge circle before the tension bar fills to completion. Now! Ready a weapon and select battle stance to begin your training. If you do not already have one I can trade you a practice sword for a price.

Walk By Dialogue

When you defeat the Malku Su Warden in a duel Inconceivable! Again!
When the Malku Su Warden defeats you. Sweat and pain is also payment!