Lock Box Maker

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Lock Box Maker.png


The Lock Box Maker asks you to test the new lock they have developed. They will also sell you items from their inventory.



The Lock Box Maker has a lockbox. Before you attempt the endeavour:

This strongbox is locked tight. Only mechanical skill and deft hands will entice it open.

You must pass a +3 Endeavour Symbol Mechanical.png check.

If you are successful:

*The lock box snaps open, as does the mouth of the Lock Box Maker*

I can't believe my eyes...I was so sure I had considered every weakness...


For Sale


A challenge for you, Wanderer!

Speaking to the Lockbox Maker for the first time Hello! I am not only a lock box maker I'll have you know...I am a lock pick proof lock box maker! At least that is my ambition. I have here the lock box of my latest design...I would be grateful if you could make an attempt to pick the lock. To study how you get on will help me improve my lock box further. What do you say, do you accept?
Speaking to the Lockbox Maker for the second time I have some things to trade, if you have a mind for it..?

After completing the endeavour successfully Care to trade? I have some fine boxes.
