Handler Assistant

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They are only available in the day, usually accompanied with their master, Lost Luggage Handler and their dog.


When you speak to the Handler Assistant the first time Hello, Nomad! Are you here to trade with my master, the Luggage Handler? I'm supposed to warn you about Gibhli, and that he will bite you if you try to trade unfairly. But I've never seen him do it...
When you speak to the Handler Assistant the second time I'm so happy I can work here where I can see the trains! I want to be an engineer when I grow up.. Or maybe a machinist... An engineer machinist! That's it! My family wanted me to stay on the farm... But my uncle plays passage with my master... It was my uncle who made it so that I could apprentice here... I think maybe some gambling debt was involved... I'm so happy here... And my uncle only wants half of my wages! I hope you can find happiness, just as I have!


The Handler's Assistant's dialogue suggests that the Lost Luggage Handler is a Passage player and the Handler's Assistant is indentured to them as a means of paying off a Passage related debt. The Handler's Assistant seems to be employed against this family's wishes. Although the Handler's Assistant seems happy, their uncle seems to be exploiting the Handler's Assistant by taking half of their wages.