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Turfu only appears during the Starting Travel Scenario: I can't remember (South). They appear in Alken Rock Coast


When you speak to Turfu, they give you Uncomfortable underarm shielding

Turfu Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to Turfu for the first time Oh, thank the Winds!
You are alive! I'm just a poor driftwood collector. I have little to give you but my name...I'm called Turfu...And my furry friend here answers to Sidj. There is a pass just to the North of here that will take you to the city of Crossings. I'm sure the Crossings Teahouse keeper will be hospitable. The traces of your ordeal will be plain for all to see. You'll find the Teahouse just East of the large tree in the town centre. It's not much but take this as well, crafted by yours truly. Safe journey to you, Traveller. It's not much but take this as well, crafted by yours truly. Safe journey to you, Traveller.
When you speak to Turfu for the second time The driftwood is calling me. It will be plentiful after the shipwreck...Remember:Head straight North to Crossings. Be careful not to stray into the Wilds. It would not be safe for anyone in your condition. Farewell, Traveller!