Test NPC Example

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Hey you there, some shady things happen in the shady forest at night in the shady plaza, come check it out on Tuesday nights.

Shady Entrepreneur


He can be found on the Bat Saha docks every day of the week except for tuesday, where he will be in the Charwoods Forest Two Wanderers event area acting as a merchant.



There aren't actually any quests connected to him, but I'm going to make one up to show how this space is used.

  • Speaking to the Shady Entrepreneur at night will start you on a quest to retrieve an important knot. Once you find it, you are given the option to either return it to him or to Jane NPC. Giving the knot to Jane results in you receiving a Super Cool Item compared to a Moderately Cool Item


  • He is a key figure in the Charwoods Night Market, acting as both the way players naturally discover the existence of the market, and as one of the primary merchants found there during the night of the event.


The only way to gain access to his inventory is to be in possession of a Shady Message Knot

For Sale

  • Shady Sword
  • Not So Shady Armor
  • Shadow Skill


If he is killed, he will only drop:

  • A Shadow Of His Former Self


The ever-suspicious Shady Faction plays a big role in how the public perceives shady figures. Shady Entrepreneur is one among many outcast merchants spreading their influence, and distributing illegal goods.

"Hey here's a quote of something this NPC said"

"Here's another line..."


  • There's supposed to be a special ferry that brings players from Bat Saha to Charwoods, but it appears to be non-functional in the current version of the game
