Stubborn Scholar

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The Stubborn Scholar can be found in the House Under The Tree Teahouse in Crossings during the day.


Speaking to Stubborn Scholar for the first time Ah, a nomad. You must have seen much of the world. I am trying to teach the superstitious yokels around here that there are no such things as maisu. You know, maisu? The so-called demons of the Bitter Barrens, apparently summoned by swearing or some other nonsense. They possess objects, spoil milk, cause misery, and whatever else the unwashed masses want something to blame for. And then you have cults cropping up dedicated to summoning these things. Imagine that! What kind of imbecile decides to actually join an organisation with the intention of summoning the villains from popular children's stories? Of course, when I asked for proof of existence for these maisu, not a single villager could provide me with one. Typical. One even had the gall to suggest that attempts at summonig maisu have failed recently. Pathetic excuse.
Speaking to Stubborn Scholar for a second time Hello again, Khelim. Unfortunately, the people around here still refuse to see sense. They'd rather believe in made-up beings from another realm than accept that sometimes things just go bad by themselves. Crops fail, machines break, milk spoils, and children stumble, all without demonic interference. But no, according to these people “a demon did it”. They still can't provide any tangible proof, however. More of them insist that their absence is a recent thing, too. That's a classic explaination when faced with a learned man like myself ask for tangible proof.

If you have Curse stone and speak to Stubborn Scholar for the first time What's that you got there? Proof of maisu existence? Don't make me laugh. You actually think that that piece of trash you're carrying is proof that demons exist? You are no better than these uneducated yokels! Away with you, wanderer. It's clear to me you lack the mind of a true scholar.
If you have Curse stone and speak to Stubborn Scholar for the second time No, I have no interest in debating with you any further. Begone, wanderer. And take your so-called "proof" with you.