Struggling Fisher

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Struggling Fisher.png

Help! Can you give me a hand, Nomad?!

Struggling Fisher

The Struggling Fisher offers you a challenge.


The Struggling Fisher has an endeavour for you to complete.


  • Bat Saha on the northern side of the island to the right of Moon Watcher Peak during the day.
  • Charwood Forest in the stream by Jesem Lodge.
  • Kuro Orchard on the bridge to the west of Potters' Trickle.
  • Little Slip to the east of Voices' Tavern during the day.
  • Myr south-east of the bridge during the day.
  • Myrt on the Myr side of the island during the day.
  • Siram Fields by the River Fume during the day.
  • Western Harvest Route by the Kesim Canyon, or by the Nomad's Rest during the day.


The Struggling Fisher asks you for help pulling up an enormous fish. It requires passing a +2 Endeavour Symbol Physical.png.

*You lend your strength to that of the struggling fisher and you pull an impressively large fish out of the water.*

They will give you a Western snapper as a reward.


When you speak to the Struggling Fisher for the first time. I've got a big one on the hook! All I can do is just hold it in place! I need some muscle to help me pull it out of the water!
When you speak to the Struggling Fisher again Some help here?!

When you successfully complete the endeavour We did it, Nomad! Thanks for the assist! Here is a little something I caught earlier. If I may suggest...? Stuff it with a little parsley and butter before grilling it. You won't be disappointed.