Retired Mercenary Captain

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The Retired Mercenary Captain paces back and forth on the island closest to the Arch of the Night Trader in Crescent Link


The Retired Mercenary Captain offers an optional clue to the Old Friends quest.


Speaking to Retired Mercenary Captain for the first time Ah, one of my old Bat Saha reruits sent you to find me? Fine fighers, those boys. Back then, at least. I believe I know why you're here, and luckily I think I can help. Those boys were best friends even before they joined up with us. I got the feeling that they had been running together since they were children, and they showed no signs of stopping. I thought that nothing could come between them, but it seems I was wrong.

I won't disrespect my old soldiers by running my mouth about the drama between them. All I will say is that they came to blows over something, and it turned bloody. Yet, they both walked away. One back to Bat Saha, and the other as far away from there as he could. I had a chat with him the last time I passed through Kuro Orchard. I believe he works the mill there. I recommend going to see him before reporting back to his friend on Bat Saha. Out of respect, you see. Let it be his own choice if he wants to forgive and forget what happened.

Speaking to Retired Mercenary Captain for a second time Back again, wanderer? I'm just enjoying my retirement wih some fishing. Go see my old recruit in Kuro Orchard if you want to help him reconnect with his old friend.
Speaking to Retired Mercenary Captain after completing Old Friends Hello there! Oh, you helped my old recruits reunite? Haha! I wasn't sure they'd actually manage it, but I am happy to hear it!