The Pale Witch

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Pale witch closeup.png

Curiosity is a noble trait... You should hang on to it.

The Pale Witch

The Pale Witch and their two familiars are a more unusual group. The two Familiars are cats who can be spoken to, but can not be petted or receive Pet treats.

The Pale Witch is present intermittently in Mountain's Secret and also randomly as part of the Pale Escape from a Wolf Pack event. She is always accompanied by two Cat familiars who are listed with her.



Pale Escape Endeavours

During the Pale Escape event, the Pale Witch has a +3 Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png endeavour. Upon completion, she will open the portal to The Burnings.


Mountain's Secret Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Upon first interaction: And who might you be, I wonder? Me...? You can probably guess, if you put your mind to it?And please don't bother my cats... They've had no opportunity to feed today. You just might lose a finger...
Upon subsequent interactions: The curious type are you? Curiosity is a noble trait... You should hang on to it. People who lose their curiosity, or Sefra forbid, never had one in the first place, tend to be unbearably dull individuals. I am currently examining this trickle of water.... The ravine above connects to the Casso Inlet and the ocean...and that water is salty. But what comes out down here is sweet. I would not recommend drinking it though... Several of my scrying spells have come up blank. It is quite curious. I have taken samples home to study, but away from the mountain the water changes... Every time I care to further my studies I have to come get a new batch. Mind how you go down here if you have no wards against Shades. They won't get past my spirit shield, the swarming little shadowlings. But someone like you just might get overwhelmed .Take care now, Wanderer...

Pale Escape Dialogue


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Upon first interaction: Of course the wolves are no danger to one such as I... I would not walk about in the place without placing a charm on myself and my darlings... All that the wolves will see... and more importantly smell, if they detect us at all, are three beautiful moths. I'm afraid you will look and smell like tender steak to them... It's all rather amusing, looking at you from where I stand...

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
After endeavour Ah... I see now you have some sight... Perhaps even a smattering of power... You now... I might just take a little pity on you and let you escape the hunting packs after all. So be my guest, Wanderer... Step into my portal... Let me see if you trust me.

Familiar Interactions

*Looks at you knowingly*

*Meets your eyes with a superior gaze.*


The Pale Witch's familiars used to be black cats and as of 2024 are now white cats.

