The Bad Pearl

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I had heard tales of this unfortunate gem... Every merchant has, and no trader worth their salt takes precautions to accept it. I'd like to think I am very much worth my salt. As my previous fortunes would bear witness of. I am always very careful, scrutinising any pearl I intend to bid for meticulously. I can only assume The Bad Pearl was place in my purse by one of my rivals. I've tried to get rid of it, try and try as I might. But it always turns up amongst my possessions, even when I've thrown it into the bay or the fire. My fortunes are dwindling and my future is bleak. I have one last hope. And that is to pursue the advice I've bought from the familiars of a mystic called The Pale Witch; to travel to Charwood Forest and find the powerful mage that has their domain there, known to be wise in the ways of curses and most importantly, their removal.


