Old Cleaner

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Take note, Khelim!
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Old Cleaner.png

The Old Cleaner can be found inside the Kitchen in Little Slip.


Speaking to Old Cleaner for the first time The cleaning man whistles an easygoing tune. Hm? Who is that walking in here? My eyes betrayed me many seasons ago. A Khelim? Yes... You all have a similar smell. Road dust, dew of young plants and just a hint of magic. It shouldn't surprise me to see an dandelion floating in here to Little Slip. The Winds all meet at this lake after all. I don't know why but I think they just enjoy our tea. And don't listen to the rumours that the half-winds don't blow here from time to time. They just wear their fancy cloaks when they do. It helps them blend in. Mystics and normal critters big and small all follow the winds, it's true! It is in their nature.

Speaking to Old Cleaner if you have a Many-eyed gloomfish in your inventory or have the Band of the Sleepers, Sleeper's guard, Sodden boon equipped The cleaning man whistles an easygoing tune. Hm? Who is that walking in here? My eyes betrayed me many seasons ago. A Khelim? Strange...You have an odd smell for a Khelim. Could it have been something you ate? Something you're carrying? Or maybe something you've done? It shouldn't surprise me to see an dandelion floating in here to Little Slip. The Winds all meet at this lake after all. I don't know why but I think they just enjoy our tea. And don't listen to the rumours that the half-winds don't blow here from time to time. They just wear their fancy cloaks when they do. It helps them blend in. Mystics and normal critters big and small all follow the winds, it's true! It is in their nature.