House Nehm

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One of the Three Noble Houses of the Braided Shore. Sometimes also known as House Nehem or House of Nehm. These three names are currently believed to refer to the same noble house.

The residence of generous House Nehm lies in the city of New Foundry. They have a hunting lodge in The Burnings although no one has seen it and a controlling interest in Soot Wood trees. Their colours are char and jade and their motto is “We Master Sources.” [1]


Once upon a time, Grand Baronessa Fissa Pelgen took the daughter of the Nehm clan hostage and many thought full scale war would erupt on the Braided Shore.

Arch Councilor Mbaren managed to convince the two families to meet on the neutral island of Bat Saha. In truth, Fissa and the Nehm clan's daughter were lovers and the two of them had orchestrated the kidnapping in an attempt to be together in secret. Upon hearing this, the father of the Nehm claimed that Fissa was lying and was attempting to gain further leverage on his clan.

Councilor Mbaren stepped in to test the validity of Fissa's words. He brought a crowd and draped them in the same veil, a char and sulphur fabric which left only the eyes visible. If Fissa could pick out her beloved from the crowd then that would prove that their love was true. Fissa stepped into the crowd and took one look around before picking out her love without hesitation.

Description of Veil of Bat Saha

A ring made from a fiber thread seemingly spun together from deep char tree-leaves. The ring has then been coated in a layer of cinnabar sap that holds it tightly together. The Soot Wood trees have traditionally been kept under heavy guard by the Nehm family, how someone managed to craft this ring remains a mystery.

Harrow Ledge Road-Wardens warns: Bears with unknown affliction show unprecedented aggression. Nehem House trophy hunters mauled. Travellers advised to avoid the area at all cost.

Hello. I represent House Nehem and I wonder if there exists a type of wood that is jade coloured and suitable to use in boatbuilding? We are interested in acquiring a pleasure barge built (not simply painted)in the proud Jade and Char colours of the proud house Nehem arms. If this would be a possibility, please waste no time in contacting our representatives in Kasa or New Foundry, and I guarantee you will be richly rewarded.

J Butaak, House Jehen Baronite."" on Fine knot message

To all staff: A reminder to pack enough flags to decorate our hunting lodge in The Burnings. - I want the whole place streaming with Char and Jade during the event!

Z Baht Nehem, Kasa silk knot message

Known Members

  • Amaru Rimri, daughter of Amaru Ati
  • Baronite Amaru Ati, gardener of the Nehm family

Some regions excel at cheese making, while others persist in offering cheese that's bland or vile in taste or texture. Learn what you can stay nonchalant - the cheese care not either way.

Amaru Ati, Kitchen Gardener to the House of Nehm, Description of Barely edible block of cheese

Possible Members and Associates

  • J Butaak, House Jehen Baronite
  • Z Baht Nehem