House Nehm Attendant

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House Yehan Attendant.png

House Nehm Attendant is an NPC found in Myrt during the Myrt Tea Auction event.




When you speak to the House Nehm Attendant the first time This is the camp of House Nehm...I am Amal, Baronite of Nehm. May I inquire you name and your affairs with our house?
When you speak to the House Nehm Attendant Have you spoken to the other houses, Sehm? I don't like the looks they have been giving us...It is a guarded secret that the Yehans keep losing some of their belongings every time we are here at the auction. The Nehms whisper of a thief. I just know that any 'funny business' will be kept within the Noble house themselves. If a thief was suspected to belong to any house, no call for a warden would go out...The affair would be handled internally. Even if hired external help was to be used, only discreet agents would be considered.

If you have the Stolen Tea Sample Pouch in your inventory Hehe, I see you have brought one of House Yehan's missing Tea Sample Pouches before me. If you give it, I'll offer you something worthwhile in return, Khelim.
If you give them the Stolen Tea Sample Pouch I'm glad you chose to give it to me. Here is a little something for your loyalty to house Nehm. Don't worry, we won't tell on you to the others. This pouch can come in handy in future, I'll have you know...