Jade and gold knot message

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ItemIcon TradeGood MessageKnot 48 Medium.png

The Jade and gold knot message is a series of knots that has different descriptions under the same name.
As of Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, 4 different knots have been found.


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We are NOT dead, whatever the unionist say!

Learn our sign to know our number!
Join the cause!

This age of corrupt councils must come to an end!

The Loyal Halzhaanists

Count the council's enforced taxes and the value of your tax returns! The difference is the depth of the union's and council's corruption! Rise up and demand a true Monarch!

The Loyal Halzhaanists

We demand the truth of what happened in Kasa!
Expose the underhandedness of the corrupt councils!

The Loyal Halzhaanists

The Halzhaan line lives on in secret! Never give up hope!

The Loyal Halzhaanists


Most folk – if they have even heard of the group to begin with – would tell you that the idea of the Loyal Halzhaanists still being around is nothing but a rumour. But ever since the Kasa Incident, murmurs of Loyal Halzhaanist messages being found around settlements have increased.
