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Items in the possession of the player character are part of that character's inventory and will be carried and stored in various ways.


Equipment are items that may be worn or carried in the hands of the player character. Equipment worn or being carried in the hands of the player character are on the equipment inventory page, which has the following equippable slots:

*Accessories have not been implemented into Book of Travels yet.


The player character begins the game with a portable inventory of sixteen fillable bag slots.

Backpacks that increase bag size can be found in game. The bag size trait may have a value of +0, +1, +2, or +3. Each increase in the bag size trait is equal to sixteen fillable backpack slots. If the player character equips a backpack with a bag size trait of +1, the player character will have a portable inventory of thirty-two fillable backpack slots; if the player character equips a backpack with a bag size trait of +2, the player character will have a portable inventory of forty-eight fillable backpack slots, and so on.


Certain equipment and trade goods can be found which have pocket slots. Right-clicking the item in the player character's bag, and clicking the "Pocket" button will open the pockets. Items can then be moved from the bag to the pocket slots.

Items may have between one and six pocket slots.

Item which have pockets cannot be placed in the pocket slots of other items.

It is possible to sell an item which has something in its pocket. This does not increase the trade value of the item.

Moving items into pocket slots hides them from bandits.

A list of items with six pocket slots can be found on the Category:Six-pocket Items page.

Reagents Pouch

The Reagents Pouch holds ingredients that are used in spell casting, which are foraged in various locations.

There is no limit to the number of each reagent that can be held at once, although the Reagents Pouch will only display a maximum of 999 at a time. If additional reagents are gathered, they will still be stored, but not displayed.

Trainmasters Stash

Items can be stored in Trainmasters Stash containers, which are found at Train Stations including Crossings and Western Verve

Up to 32 items can be stored. Items stored in the Trainmasters Stash will remain after the player logs out.

All Trainmasters Stashes share the same inventory. Items stored in one Stash can be retrieved in another.

If an item with pockets is stored inside the Trainmasters Stash, its contents will remain inside the pockets and can be retrieved once the item is moved back to the character's backpack.

This means it is possible to store a total of 224 item stacks, assuming each of the 32 items has the maximum of 6 pocket slots, and including the 32 items themselves.