Injured Worker

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Injured Worker.png


The Injured Worker has hurt their back while working, and cannot walk properly.



If you pass a +3 Endeavour Symbol Physical.png endeavour

You ask if you can try to fix his back, and the man agrees. From behind, you wrap your arms around the worker and lift him up in the air. You lean back and do a little hop, hearing a satisfying CRACK from the worker's back as you land. You place him down and he gingerly stretches a bit.


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to the Injured Worker Oh, hey there, youngster. I almost didn't see you there, so distracted as of late. You see, I overworked myself a bit, and as a result I have a crick in my back. Can't walk properly. Ah, well. Nothing to be done about it now.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak with the Injured worker after completing his endeavour Well, I'll be. You did it! You fixed my back! Haha, thank you, friend! Now I can get back to work! Oh, right. Now I can get back to work...
If you speak with the Injured worker again after completing his endeavour Can't talk, friend. Got to get back to work.