Prince Semmethep

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Prince Semmethep was the son of Queen Leathides of Old Dynasty of Kasa. His spouse was Ar Hab of Rivenleaf. He is also known as Hestu Sem, Sootmouth, and the Traveller-Prince. He was also his mother's crown heir. He had one sister, Princess Sashinja. [1]

It is not clear whether he actually reigned as king or not. Prince Semmethep is best known for his adventures. He wore legendary cloak Talzyre on his travels. Known in tales as Hestu Sem or the Traveller-Prince, he figures prominently in adventures in which he fought the Fellbiter spider of Akke Kabn or escaped from the Boat Tippers Cult while seeking the cave of the Char Wyrm once bested by his father.


Hestu Sem swung his fist after the Fellbiter Spider of Akke Kebn but with its hundred legs the vile creature easily scuttled out of the way. The Traveller-Prince knew he could not match the creature's speed, so he backed away, leaving his right thumb unguarded. Seeing its chance, the Fellbiter flung itself at Hestu Sem and pushed its jagged teeth into his thumb, immediately turning it to stone. Before the stone-curse could spread further, Hestu Sem willed his hand to act and grabbed the creature just as his hand turned completely to stone, imprisoning it in a cage of his rock fingers. With his remaining hand, Hestu Sem tied the rope he had received from his younger sister and which had been enchanted by his lady love around his hand, which stopped the curse from spreading further up his arm. Unable to die, it is said that the Fellbiter remains locked in the Traveller-Prince's grip, waiting for greedy graverobbers to unleash it once more.

Seirennis, wandering storyteller, Stone-covered thumb ring

Hestu Sem, on the hunt for the Char Wyrm's cave rowed out onto Lake Vapour in a small raft. He could see the creature's cave just ahead when his boat jerked to and thro, threatening to throw him into the murky waters. He gazed down over the side of the boat and saw the villagers from back on land who had advised him on his journey here, now harshly rocking his boat. But there was something strange about the villagers, their skin had a sickly pale cobalt hue and their pupils were flat like that of an octopus.
Hestu Sem had to act fast, lest he meet a fate most dire.

Many tales have been told and many songs have been sung about Prince Semmethep's journey around Braided Shore.

The carvings on this deisk relay the story of his battle against the itbaraks of The Forest of Four.

The disk shows the Prince wrestling with the leader of the wolfmen and banishing him and his flock to the deepest caves of the forest, never to return. The final carving depicts the Prince's wedding to Ar Hab, whose castle had been terrorized by the beasts for many seasons.