Glimmer Signal

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Skill W Glimmer Signal Medium.png

When you unbind the knot, your cursor will become double lined and you can click to indicate where your signal light should appear. Long strands of light will radiate from your character and rotate. The signal light's appearance seems to have different effects. Sometimes it travels as a jagged beam from above. Other times it emerges out of longer light strands from the ground. It is not clear when the signal light fades, but it will fade eventually. This skill does not seem to work consistently.

Item Description

This Knot unbound will send ahead a signal light that rests in place some way in front of the knot-binder

Learnt Skill Description

This spell sends out a signal-light that rests in a place ahead of the knot-binder


Similar Skills

All lanterns will grant a similar ability, but there are too many to discuss here.

For similar skills, see Illuminating Skills
