Game Update - January 9, 2024

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It's time for the first Book of Travels update of the year. Firstly, we've added an extra EU region based in Ireland - so we now have EU West and EU Central servers.

This update also includes new game content on top of the usual fixes and changes. The hollowed out caves on the southern beaches once held a rich bounty of alken ore. Now they provide occasional shelter for fisherfolk seeking to escape from the outside rain. A Khelim with an interest in rare fish may find value in the stories told by the experienced fishers huddling around their campfire.


  • Fixed a bug where a player could recieve unlimited porcelain buckles after defeating the bug battling kids
  • Fixing camera zoom in Outhouse, Bat Saha
  • Fixed wrong trade value being shown when the value should be 0
  • Fixed wrong keybind showing while hovering the skillbook icon



Might and Delight. (2024, January 9). Book of Travels - Content Update 0.46.4 Change List - Steam News.