Frost Hag

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Frost Hag is a notable figure in the lore of the Third Age. Associated with the Cobalt Eclipse and directly linked to the Ice Hag War, the Frost Hag is remembered more for her impact on Braided Shore and the events she triggered than for her own identity.


Despite her historical significance, the origins of the Frost Hag are shrouded in mystery. She is mentioned as a terrible evil, a monster, and terms like "unnatural" are used to refer to her blood. This latter adjective might suggest an intervention that goes beyond the natural processes of the world of Braided Shore, perhaps a malevolent force that disrupts not only the earthly order but also the spiritual one.

Beyond her origins, there are few documented facts about the Frost Hag. She is associated with the Cobalt Eclipse, a significant event in the history of Braided Shore about which little is known. What can be affirmed about the Cobalt Eclipse is that it indeed covered the sun, although the means and purpose remain unknown, as does its duration or whether it was intended to be a perpetual eclipse. What we can state with certainty is that, when the Cobalt Eclipse finally blocked the sun, Issa Halzhaan sent his most loyal knight, Bodraan, to confront the Hag. Clad in his midnight armor, the Twilit Knight, together with Halzhaan, clashed with the Hag in a final decisive battle from which they emerged victorious. It is not explicitly stated that the Hag died in the battle, although she did suffer wounds. After her fall, the Frost Hag was never seen again in Braided Shore.

It is documented that the Frost Hag transmitted a curse known as "the Hag's frostbitten touch," a disease that afflicted Nesef, the sister of Bodraan. What remains unclear is how the disease was transmitted; if the name is taken literally, one might question how the Hag reached Bodraan's sister with her frostbitten touch. Alternatively, if physical contact was not necessary, this could imply an epidemic, although there is no supporting information for this theory. In fact, Nesef is the only known character who suffered from this disease and also the only one known to have been cured.


During the cobalt eclipse, brave Sassa Omasarif of the Summer Foxes had embarked her army to combat the horrible evil of the Frost Hag to the north-east. However, at sea she was betrayed by her fleet admiral Ravkah who deliberately led the army transport ships along with the queen to crash into what is now known as Point Omasarif. When Admiral Revkha returned she captured Sissa Emir of the Summer Foxes and crowned him as her puppet ruler.

Bodraan, the legendary Twilit Knight that vanquished the calamitous Frost Hag is an enigma. We know that he met Issa Halzhaan before the Cobalt Eclipse descended on the Braided Shore, but the circumstances of their meeting is unknown. We know he had a sister who is rumoured to have contracted the Frost Hag's cursed touch but how this happened has not been discovered. What's even more curious is that there is no official mention of Bodraan or his sister after the fall of the Frost Hag. One would assume that he would stay at Issa's side when she formed her empire but, alas, there is no mention of him being there. One would think that perhaps he lost his life in the battle against the Hag like so many others did, but no grave has ever been found. Such a hero would have undoubtedly been given a magnificent tomb, so where is it?

Geva Kha, historian.

When the hour was darkest and the Cobalt Eclipse of the Frost Hag blocked out the sun, Halzhaan I sent her most loyal knight, Bodraan, to battle the monster. Clad in his midnight armor, the Twilit Knight, together with Halzhaan, clashed with the Hag in a final decisive battle. The Frost Hag sustained many wounds in the fight and where her unnatural blood touched the ground, cobalt grass sprouted. The grass was harvested and heated over a fire, where the cobalt strands turned into a deep cinnabar and was made into tea. When drunk by Bodraan's sister Nesef, who had been cursed by the Hag's frostbitten touch, the tea filled her soul with warmth and cured her of her affliction. The Frost Hag was never seen in Braided Shore again, but there are still spots of cobalt moss with strands of Nesef grass in areas where the battle took place.

South of Kasa lies billowing fields of saffron. The royal cobalt crocus flower of those fields has become a symbol of sorts for Kasa ever since the fall of the Frost Hag.
It is said that when the ground once more lay without frost, the first saffron flowers appeared to grace the survivors. A blessing from the Sefra, a gift for the noble deeds of the Asken.

Linked rings made from dried crocus stalks. To the south of Kasa lies billowing fields of saffron. The royal cobalt crocus flower of those fields has become a symbol of sorts for Kasa, ever since the fall of the Frost Hag. It is said that when the ground once more lay without frost, the first saffron flowers appeared to grace the survivors. A blessing from the Sefra, a gift for the noble deeds of the Asken.