Foreign Pet Shop Owner
The Foreign Pet Shop Owner, otherwise known as Kasparson, can be found outside of their storefront in Bat Saha at any time of day.
Kasparson will always be outside their shop, accompanied by their winged goat, Emilia. Each time you talk to them they will give you one Pet treat.
The Foreign Pet Shop Owner is one of the possible branches of the Deliver the Mail Quest.
Dialogue | |
When you speak with Kasparson for the first time | Why hello there! A rare thing indeed for anyone in Bat Saha to take time to talk outside the walls of a Teahouse. What a treat! My name is Kasparson, and I have only just recently settled in Braided Shore. My homeland lies far, far away. The culture and wildlife are very different here from that of my homeland, I can tell you. I have for instance as yet to see a single winged goat since I arrived! Well...Except for Emilia here, of course. But then I brought her with me to protect me from evildoers should the locals prove hostile. Animals have always fascinated me, and as soon as I get my shop here in order, I intend to travel around and see the wondrous creatures that roam the lands. I'm particularly curious about the huge armoured, smoke-breathing beasts you have trained to pull carts on metal trails. What a wonder such a sight must be! Where was I...? Yes! As I mentioned, I'm setting up shop right here. I bought this house from the previous owner; A very nice lady who used it to host games of Passage. By luck or fate, she was, for some reason or another, forced to move her activity 'underground', whatever that means. Now I'm now busying myself with setting up my own business:A pet shop! I intend to import creatures from far and wide and offer my customers exotic creatures as companions! Of course, my shop will also offer local varieties of creatures. Just imagine how many overseas visitors will be queuing to get a pet from Bat Saha. A deer, a wolf...A bear even! And here, if you'll forgive my presumptions, is where, as we've been talking I have begun to form a plan of cooperation between you and me. I will give you some Pet treats of my own making, and you will search out all manner of animals to feed them to. Not all animals will be tempted, but you might be surprised as to what creatures take a fancy to them. If you do this, you will help me build trust with the local species of animal in Braided Shore...I will then have a fine base to start selecting animals from, when my pet shop is ready. |
When you speak with Kasparson for the second time | Here are some treats from my latest batch. Come back if you need more...Happy 'hunting,' local! |
Dialogue | |
If you have a Pet treat in your inventory | You still have Pet Treats left? Want another? |
When you give them Envelope with a briny smell | Good day...Or night or evening. I can never quite tell in this land. Your sunrises and sunsets arrive at different times than I am used to. Hm? An envelope for me? How unexpectantly exciting! I shall put reading this at the forefront of my agenda! |
Kasparson is not a native to the Braided Shore. They do not say where they are from, but they seem extremely unfamiliar with the customs of the area, seeming slightly disoriented and lonely. Yet they set themselves apart from their neighbours, referring to other denizens of Bat Saha as "the locals."
Details about Kasparson's homeland are very sparse, but this appears to be a place where fantastical animals such as winged goats are commonplace and trains have never been seen before. Kasparson believes that the Elden steam engines are domesticated animals.
Although they mention it in passing, Kasparson alludes to the fact that Passage is no longer played in Bat Saha, even though the Old Man lists it as a place where illegal games of Passage is played. Kasparson's storefront used to be a place one could play the game, but the woman who ran the game has taken it underground. Whether this is figurative or literal is unclear.