Femsem Leng

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Femsem Leng.png

Oh Winds... Why did I take the deal?

Take note, Khelim!
Spoiler frog.png This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

Known as Nervous Scholar prior to interaction. Stands at the Crossings train station day and night.


  • Crossings Station


If you pass a +3 Endeavour Symbol Social.png Endeavour:


It is possible, on repeat visits, to pass the endeavour again. However the flute can only be received once.


On first meeting Femsem Leng W-what are you looking at, Khelim? Ah! Don't scare me like that...

Upon speaking to Femsem Leng after successful completion of their endeavour Alright! I admit my greed! Is that what you want me to say?! They knew I had studied the gateways... When those smugglers offered me that relic - I still don't know how they got their hands on such a thing. They took advantage of my scholarly disposition! They knew my curiosity would make me accept! But now my every thought is wracked by guilt. If only I could wash my hands off the incident. Please Khelim, take it! I don't want it anymore! And stay away from Charwood if you have more sense than me!
If you speak to Femsem Leng a second time with the Flute of the Charmer in your inventory Keep that thing away from me Khelim! I should have never taken it in the first place.
If you no longer have the Flute of the Charmer or you have placed it in a pocket, not in your inventory Did you dispose of it? Good. Now we can both rest more easily. And stay away from Charwood if you have more sense than me


Shares a surname and similar given name to Fateng Leng and Firo Leng but should not be confused with either.
